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Health Commitment Statement

Our Commitment To You

We will respect your personal decisions, and allow you to make your own decisions about what exercise you can carry out. However, we ask you not to exercise beyond what you consider to be your own abilities.

We will make every reasonable effort to make sure that our equipment and facilities are in a safe condition for you to use and enjoy.

We will take all reasonable steps to make sure that our staff are first aid trained, as well as providing suitable support through a qualified member of staff through a Gym induction, if you feel you need assistance or support to use our equipment safely. 

If you tell us that you have a disability which puts you at a substantial disadvantage in accessing our equipment and facilities, we will consider what adjustments, if any, are reasonable for us to make at that specific time.

Your Commitment To Us

You will not exercise beyond your ability. If you are concerned that you have a medical condition which could interfere with you being able to exercise safely, you should get advice from a relevant medical professional,  before using our equipment/facilities.

You should ask a qualified member of staff if there is any equipment which you are unsure how to use.

You should make yourself aware of any rules and instructions, including warning notices. Exercise carries its own risks. You should not carry out any activities which you have been told are not suitable for you.

You should let us know immediately if you feel ill when using our equipment or facilities. Our staff members are not qualified doctors, but there will be a person available who has had first-aid training.

If you have a disability, you must follow any reasonable instructions to allow you to exercise safely.