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Teaching Excellence Framework 2023 - Gold Award

BEd Primary Education (with QTS)

Train to become a confident primary school teacher. This three year course provides a thorough grounding in education issues and includes extensive placement experience.

Primary school teacher listening to a pupil in class

Top 5 in England for Education

The Guardian University Guide 2024

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Entry requirements

Three A-levels at grades BBC or above

Or BTEC triple grades DMM or above

Or Access 30-42 D/M with min 18D

Or T level M

And GCSE English Language, Mathematics and Science at grade 4 or grade C or above

We are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and trainees. All trainees are expected to share this commitment and demonstrate consistently high standards of personal and professional conduct.

We will accept 2 AS levels in lieu of one A level but must be accompanied by 2 A Levels or BTECs (General Studies is excluded).

See full entry requirements

UCAS points 112

UCAS code X120

UCAS institution code P63

Duration Three years full-time

Course Summary

This versatile and dynamic primary education degree with Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) is the ideal preparation for a successful and rewarding career in primary teaching, enabling you to embark on your teaching career straight after finishing your studies. Plymouth Marjon University is praised by Ofsted and the National Student Survey for providing a comprehensive and enriching teacher training programme. 

Building on long established partnerships with a diverse range of schools, all students have ample opportunities to learn with experienced primary and early years practitioners. From the start of the course students work in a range of schools gradually building up confidence and expertise.

The curriculum is based around three themes and these are embedded in all MTEP modules across our provision and is carefully structured to provide you with the skills and subject knowledge required to teach all the National Curriculum subjects.

The themes are:

- The professional role of the developing teacher

- Development of teaching and learning

- Curriculum and specialisms

Our processes are aligned with the MTEP curriculum, the CCF, the ECF, the ITE Ofsted inspection framework and the Teachers’ Standards and explicitly considers how all components are sequenced incrementally to build your expertise and confidence. You are taught, trained and supported at both the centre and on placement by expert colleagues.

This carefully structured course will provide you with the skills and subject knowledge required to teach all the National Curriculum subjects through working with experienced and passionate tutors in interactive and practical teaching sessions. Along with these subject studies, you’ll develop a thorough grounding in all the major skills and issues of education including special educational needs and disabilities, behaviour management, setting high expectations and identifying pupil progress, planning and assessment, managing the teaching and learning of a classroom team, child development, cognitive science and learning through play.

You’ll also be given the chance to select a specialism curriculum area in years two and three and choose a focus for your final-year research dissertation. The comprehensive primary programme ensures you are well-equipped to teach across the curriculum, but also offer additional skills in a chosen area, thereby enhancing your employability and leadership skills.

By combining academic study and practical experience in a range of placement settings in the South West or East London, you are fully prepared to embark on your ECT years. Opportunities also include working in special schools, outdoor centres and other educational settings or leading specific projects with children and young people from a range of backgrounds during your enhanced placement.

All BEd students can join the Primary Science Enhancement Award scheme (PSEA). The PSEA, developed by the , gives student teachers the opportunity to increase their understanding and experience of teaching and learning in primary science. In the recent pilot it was found that students reported increased confidence to teach science, and a greater awareness of where to find support for this.

Gillian: We have a long history of providing teacher education. And one of the oldest institutes in the country. We work in partnership with a range of school partnerships offering school direct routes into teaching, both at primary and secondary level. A long history means that we have a very high reputation nationally and internationally for producing high quality teachers.

Bea: As a training teacher, it's really important to just be in the classroom and learn that way. Placement has to be a highlight, and I've been very fortunate with my placements that I've had a huge variety of placements. I've done a village school, a really big city school. Myself and a couple of my peers went to Germany for our third year placement. That definitely has to be a highlight to just be offered those kinds of things.

Chloe: And I chose the University because the fact of how small it is here. It wasn't like a massive university and you're just a number. It's actually because of the small class sizes.

Bea: I really like the fact that it has a really small community campus. And I wasn't going to be going to a big uni where none of my lecturers or tutors would know me.

Thomas: The lecturers are really helpful. They're always on hand if you need to ask anything or if you're having any problems with anything to do the course.

Maeve: Because they know you so well, they know your areas of development, which is really helpful, especially being on a practical course. And they can lead you in the right direction. So that's really good to know, that you can go to someone. They know you well enough, they feel comfortable to tell you what you need to work on.

Thomas: I think it's really helpful to work in a group of like-minded people who are really driven to get the best out of their teaching.

Chloe: I would say, come and visit for a start, because that's what really sold the university to me was seeing everything they have to offer here and then actually talking to lecturers and the students and just everyone who get to see what an amazing place and course you're actually on.

Marie: Currently I'm working as a class teacher in a year five class. I have been here since September. So my responsibilities range from the planning, the resourcing and assessment, everything that a teacher needs to do to make the classroom run really. With the School Direct program, where you're based in the schools and having the essays and assignments and things to do, it's only really setting you up for what life is like as a teacher. So although sometimes it's hard work, you think, well, actually it's really no different next year when I'm teacher, I feel like it really did set me up.

Why this course at Marjon?

Long established and highly regarded Teacher Training provider locally, nationally and internationally

Diverse range of placement schools from small rural to large urban including opportunities in East London, to prepare you to teach in any type of school

All national curriculum subjects covered by specialist tutors delivered in our specialist primary classrooms

High quality, personal support in schools and on campus

Over 90% student satisfaction for last 5 years (National Student Survey)

High quality training and outcomes

Modules for this course

Course Snapshot

The first year is a great overview into life as a student teacher. We learnt about child development, phonics, reading and comprehension, building a strong foundation to help us in school. In our second year we had more placement experience and learnt how to manage classrooms. There’s a lot of self-reflection and improving the knowledge you have to educate children. The final year is a 10-week placement along with the dissertation.
Adam - BEd (Hons) Primary Education graduate

1st Year

An Introduction to Professional and Academic Skills for the Teacher including First Teaching Placement
Early Learning and Child Development
Child development & early learning
Foundations for Learning
Curriculum Studies: Core Subjects
Curriculum Studies: Foundation Subjects

2nd Year

Developing Professional and Academic Skills for the Teacher including Second Teaching Placement
Inclusive Practice: Meeting the Needs of All Learners
Specialism: Enhancing Knowledge and Understanding
Curriculum Studies: Developing and Deepening Core Subject Understanding
Curriculum Studies: Embedding Foundation Subjects and Religious Education

3rd Year

Professional Studies: Current issues for the teacher
Teaching Placement Phase 4 QTS
Specialism: Critical Application of Knowledge and Understanding
Honours Level Dissertation

Current students say...

Megan Mitchell

“The lecturers are brilliant and knowledgeable but also very supportive and get to know you. They provide extra opportunities to develop your passions as a teacher. For me this has been children’s literature, and I have been able to attend book groups at university and join a teachers’ reading group, which really encouraged and enhanced my development in this area. The feedback provided has always felt personal, enabling me to achieve my best. I’m so glad I choose to do this course at Marjon.”

Luke Kowalski

“I really enjoy how the course is a combination of placement and in-university sessions, enabling me to make connections between what is being done in schools and the reasoning behind it. Seminars and lectures provide practical and engaging experiences such as taking learning outside and carrying out activities that the children would do. The lecturers provide clear instructions, feedback and high levels of support and school placements have helped me to develop my confidence in the classroom.”

Will Slocombe

“The placements on the course are great and the lecturers work hard to ensure that placements are varied and that we experience each key stage. They are really supportive and encourage you to say yes to everything; this has made me more confident, both in and out of school. I was fortunate enough to complete my 2nd year placement in London which was fantastic. I have made some amazing like-minded friends on the course, enjoyed the small teaching groups and the university is really friendly.”

This course is perfect if you’re curious about these questions:

How do children learn effectively?

How can I support individual needs in the classroom to maximise progress?

How can I promote a love of learning in all children?

What can learning outside the classroom bring to a child's experience of school?

What is a broad and balanced curriculum?

What is the value of building strong relationships with children and families?

I have been very impressed with the depth of knowledge and understanding shown by the students. They are privileged to have such dedicated and hardworking staff who clearly enjoy working together to produce the very best outcomes. It is apparent that the Marjon BEd student is immersed in a wealth of high quality opportunities and experiences to prepare them for their future role in teaching.
Julie Sutton - External examiner from University of Worcester

Ask a student

See where our graduates are now

Holly Power-Brown

“I work with schools to guide students through key skills, like writing CVs. I build relationships with individuals to discover their passions and we work together to research courses, apprenticeships and jobs. It is an amazing feeling knowing you’re helping someone shape their future. Marjon made me believe I could make a positive change. The BEd taught me valuable skills that I can transfer to many working situations and the staff were hugely supportive and helped me gain confidence.”

Programme Coordinator (Educating Differently) for Real Ideas Organisation

Megan Davies

“Having the most amazing lecturers at uni has allowed me to have knowledge of most the things that happen within school, including SEN children, being observed and advice from lecturers on how to deal with things. University has taught me a lot and I cannot pin point all of the things. It taught me the importance of independence and this allowed me to move out and get a job in the new part of the country, which I would never have been brave enough to do if I didn’t go to uni.”

Megan is a class teacher in a primary school

Katie Martin

“The range of subject knowledge sessions was fantastic and really boosted my confidence in teaching a range of subjects. The mathematics specialism module gave me the insight and tools to consider developing my career as a specialist and possibly one day as a subject leader. The lecturers offered support throughout this course, scaffolding our development both academically and as a reflective thinker. This will greatly impact upon my practice as a teacher and as a member of a team in school.”

Katie is a class teacher in a primary school

What might you become?


On completion you will be able to teach in a Primary or Special school as an Early Career Teacher (ECT). Graduates from this course have progressed quickly into specialist or leadership positions in a wide range of schools and locations. Ofsted praised the University’s ‘effective use of local diversity and wider links which ensures trainees have breadth and variety in their training, so making them highly employable’ (Ofsted, 2014). Over 90% of our trainees go on to secure teaching posts locally, nationally or abroad which is above the national rate. Others go on to further postgraduate study or research posts within Higher Education. Many have gone onto leadership and management positions in schools.

Carly: My favourite thing about teaching might sound a bit strange, but I really love Monday mornings. So sometimes on a Sunday you think, "Oh, I just don't want to go to work," and that's a normal feeding that everyone feels, but as soon as I walk through the door and the children are happy to see me, and they're skipping down the path, ready to find out what's happening that day, I'm ready for them. And I'm ready to see their progress in their learning.

Paul: When I'm doing PE with the children, and we're learning how to catch and they catch the ball for the first time, a little girl ran up to me last week and she was like, "I caught it, Mr. Dixon. I caught it." It's those moments why I do teaching.

Carly: I looked around lots of different universities, and I liked the size of Marjon. It felt really warm and welcoming when I walked in, and I quite liked that it was around that quad in the middle. And I saw lots of other students chilling out in the quad, and having their lunch and walking between lectures, and I thought that's a place that I'd like to be.

Paul: The most helpful part for me, that Marjon helped me with my teaching, was the placement, and it was allowing and working alongside me to produce the placements where I felt I really wanted to develop my own skills.

Carly: I had three really good placements and really different placements. They made sure I was in different key stages each time. So my first one was in key stage two, then key stage one, and then a different class within key stage one, which was really, really useful, because I could see the breadth of the curriculum and see how children progress through different skills. I also really enjoyed the fact that the groups in the seminars were really small. And I got to know my fellow students in my group very, very well, and we stayed in that group the whole way through the three years. So I felt very secure and comfortable to share ideas and any problems I thought I had. If I was to give advice to a new teacher starting the primary course At Marjon, I would say make the most of your placements and the most of all of the experience that the teachers have there. You'll have newly qualified teachers within your school. You'll have teachers with real specialisms in their subjects, and teachers who have just a wealth of experience because of the years they've been teaching. Ask them questions, shadow what they do, and find out as much as you can, because it'll all help when you finally have your very own class.

Paul: If someone was worrying about whether it's Marjon or another university, I would say, I ended up choosing Marjon. It was down to the sizes of the seminars and the lecture sizes, and the ability to have that one-on-one contact time with the tutors, when I was in dissertation writing, as well. There was every opportunity that we had there. And you could take as much time as you needed with the tutors who are really available. I think it was that availability that really pulled me to Marjon. And that was why I ended up choosing Marjon, it was down to the sizes of the seminars, the lecture sizes and that availability to have one-on-one contact time with the tutors, even when I was doing dissertation writing as well. So that's why I would recommend someone else go to Marjon.

Carly: If someone was sitting on the fence about going to Marjon and training to be a teacher, I would say, think about what you really want and do the best thing for you. But if you want somewhere that's small and welcoming and really supportive, and you can get the most out of your course and the most out of your lecturers, then I would recommend Marjon.

How you’ll be taught and assessed?

How will you be taught?

Sessions are delivered in our specialist primary class rooms, often in small group workshops. Sessions are practical and interactive to mirror primary school scenarios. You will also have lectures, seminars, tutorials, experiences in schools and in outdoor locations, both on and off-site.


How will you be assessed?

By coursework only through a range of creative assignments including portfolios, presentations, designing and making resources and written assignments. Placement assessment is carried out by school mentors and university tutors against the three themes of the MTEP curriculum:

- The professional role of the developing teacher

- Development of teaching and learning

- Curriculum and specialisms

Scott Fisher staff photo

Scott Fisher

Course leader

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Scott teaches across the BEd Primary programmes and specialises in English. He taught for over 20 years, was a lead English teacher across South Devon, and is passionate about children's literature.

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Fees and funding

Fees UK students: £9,250 per annum

Fees for International students: £14,600 per annum

This fee covers your tuition and access to course-specific equipment and facilities, as well associated services including access to the library, study skills support, IT support, student support and wellbeing services and membership of the Student Union. There may be additional costs by course.

Funding available for this course

Our Student Funding Advisors offer confidential and impartial advice about your funding options.

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Ruth Benton

Lecturer PGCE Primary Programme Lead

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Ruth has been at Marjon for 4 years and teaches across the primary education programmes. She taught in primary schools in Devon for 14 years and was Head of School for 8 years.  She is the subject tutor for history. She is Programme Lead for the Primary PGCE and specialist pathways.

Victoria Brown

Senior Lecturer

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Victoria Brown is a Senior Lecturer for the Marjon Teacher Education Partnership at Plymouth Marjon University with interests in:

  • Early Years, Play and Child Development
  • 鶹ƷƵ methods and dissertation supervision
  • Teacher Professional Development
  • Learning and Teaching
  • Creativity

Edward Carr


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Ed teaches on our undergraduate and postgraduate teacher training programmes with a specialism in Music and Computing.

MarkAndrew Dearden

Senior Lecturer

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Mark Andrew Dearden is a Senior Lecturer for the Marjon Teacher Education Partnership at Plymouth Marjon University. 

His present role makes use of my key skills in contextual and educational studies, teaching and learning in the primary school, development of professional roles in students and teachers and subject specialisms of Art and Design and Religious Education.


Alison Ewen


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Alison is a 'Specialist Leader in Education' and former Head Teacher. She teaches science and professional studies and has a PG Cert in coaching and mentoring.

Giles Freathy

Associate Dean (Partnerships)

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Giles is Partnership Leader for MTEP with a focus on maintaining partnerships and the Teaching Apprenticeship route into teaching.

He teaches on our undergraduate and postgraduate teacher training programmes with a specialism in Religious Education. 

Jodie Greaves

Head of ITT

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Jodie teaches on our teacher training courses, specialising in primary science as well as supporting students on placement. She is the Head of ITT and she also supports primary colleagues across the city and beyond through her work with Plymouth Science. 

Dr Tara Hollins

Senior Lecturer

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Tara specialises in teaching primary mathematics and is also currently involved with an international project about making maths more accessible to primary aged children and their parents.

Greg Walkerdine

Lecturer - Primary Education

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Greg teaches on our undergraduate and postgraduate teacher training programmes with a specialism in English, science and geography.

More information

For tips about every stage of the teacher training journey, from making your application shine to securing your first teaching role, see the how to get into teaching guide.

The teaching training rooms are designed to replicate the classroom environment typically found in schools. Desks can be rearranged for group work. The walls are decorated with posters and other student work. There is a smart screen and lectern for presentations and lectures. This room offers a lovely view of the quad and chaplaincy, with additional seating by the windows.

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